“I think y’all know what I mean”

Hello fans and fellow players,

Having been in business here in Music City for nearly thirty years now, I have learned an awful lot about people, their wishes, demands, tastes and what makes them tick. Hopefully, many of these wonderful customers have learned much from me and the steel guitar world that I have created here in beautiful Hendersonville, Tennessee.

I always welcome fresh new intelligent people with wonderful attitudes that I can learn from. The great builders and players of the entire world of steel guitar have a wonderful habit of coming by and seeing me and it is my habit and purpose to spread the knowledge among all others that follow them.

I think back at when I was starting Steel Guitar Nashville twenty nine years ago and having the great builders come by, builders like Zane King, Gene Fields, Ron Lashley, Duane Marrs, Shot Jackson and his two wonderful sons, Harry and David. Bruce Zumsteg and Tom Bradshaw were always treasure troves of knowledge and two of the many builders that I have great respect for.

The things that I love most about these people and this business is the fact that I can learn and spread the information throughout the world of steel guitar. The internet has made this much more possible from the way I had to do it in the beginning which was a handful of typing paper and postage stamps. Today I reach tens of thousands of people with just the click of a mouse.

The hard part about this whole thing was having to learn to spell and type. Thinking the job would get easier over the years, I have gotten close to reaching this goal, however losing fingers on my left hand didn’t really help.

The incredible part of everything from my end is getting to meet thousands of you players from the world over, many of which have turned out to be incredible friends that I love dearly. Thank you for enriching my life.

Another great thing about this email medium is the fact that I can get a response quickly from any of you who care to offer an opinion or may have a question needing answered, sort of like Bobby Lee’s Steel Guitar Forum which I also feel has done much for bringing steel players together from all over the world.

This is a funny little world we’re in, the world of steel guitar I mean. All the psychological problems that one would have with regular life are still here in the world of steel guitar, but even amplified more. I’ve seen many great people come and go on the forum, some of them lost forever and I have learned much from all of you and you have made my life much richer in many ways.

When I sit down and write these letters to you, once in awhile like today, I may not have a topic at first, but just start rattling about how much I really care for and respect each and every one of you.

I’m not really a true southern Tennessean, but learned how to talk in western New York State on the banks of Lake Eire. We never used one word there that I have picked up here in the south and I love this word. The word is y’all. So when I say I love and appreciate y’all, I think y’all know what I mean.

Y’all have different ways to pronounce it in different areas. In the northeast, like Philadelphia, they will say youse guys or just youse. That’s fine too with me and being in touch with so many people the world over, I enjoy the many different ways to speak this English language that we have learned to murder since we absconded with it from the British a couple centuries ago.

The steel guitar is supposed to be a uniquely all-American instrument, however this is proving to be wrong now. We have incredible players that are learning to master this instrument from all over the world. I won’t name the countries, all I can say is y’all have taken our instrument and learned to play it so well, I feel like we’re being hit over the head with it at times.

This just proves that the instrument has universal appeal. We cannot fault your great taste in musical instruments for that.

I will be doing newsletters in the future about technical things like I have in the past and the mechanical aspect of changers, trick keyheads, new style legs, lighter bodies and so on.

A good place to learn about new technologies is to see them working before your very eyes. Fascinating ideas come to the forefront from people we have never heard of and by great old pioneers like the Jacksons, Gene Fields and new builders like Jeff Surat at Show-Pro.

Remember, if you’re looking for a stage name, don’t use your own.

We just got two big shipments from the factories which makes us want to sell at the lowest prices that the manufacturer will let us sell the product for. This includes new shipments from Peavey and a big shipment of the incredible selling GFI. Call us for prices since these have come in at the old price.

Check out our monthly specials at www.steelguitar.net/monthlyspecials.html and we’ll try to save you a lot of money.

The friend to all bar holders,
Bobbe Seymour

Listen To Steel Guitar Music Streaming 24 Hours A Day!

Steel Guitar Nashville
123 Mid Town Court
Hendersonville, TN. 37075
(615) 822-5555
Open 9AM – 4PM Monday – Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday

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J. J. Jam by Johan Jansen

This remarkable jam was the recording kickoff for Johan Jansen’s 2002 CD, Head Back In The Clouds. It features 3 of the world’s most progressive pedal steel players: JJ, Dan Tyack and Bob Hoffnar, plus the slide guitar of René van Barneveld.

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Round The Horn by Bobby Lee

This is a song that I wrote for my first album, Quasar Steel Guitar. I recorded it with my musician friends at Hoffmann Studio in Occidental, California, in early 1995.  The pedal steel was a Sierra Crown S-12 tuned to extended E9th, and I’m pretty sure I was using a Webb amp.

I started my first web site in 1995 to try to sell this CD (and cassettes!) online. That site eventually became the Steel Guitar Forum, which is still in operation today.

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