Pedal Steel Players Need to Understand Instrument Design

Hello fans and fellow players,

It seems like steel guitar more than any other instrument needs to be understood from a design point of view by the player. This is not true with most instruments because most other instruments are not as complex in design as a steel guitar. However with steel guitar being of the design that it is, the player needs to be well attuned to what’s going on inside it.

There are so many things that can go wrong such as tuning and the way things need to be tuned. The more knowledge one has about things that happen inside the guitar, not just tuning, but pedal feel, cabinet drop and the effect of temperature on the metal components will help you deal with the instrument. Lubrication also plays a big part here as that affects the metal parts as they move against each other.

Here we are coming into the hot months of summer and we have talked several times about what temperatures can do to your steel guitar. The metal parts will expand when they get hot which affects they way they work against each other by changing tolerances.

When the guitars are being played anywhere, they have to be watched close for the temperatures that are being dumped on them. This goes for pedal and non-pedal. If you’re playing an outdoor gig and sitting in the direct sunlight, it can turn into a tuning nightmare.

I think about the way we used to travel back in the days when I actively worked the road. Things are much better today. They traded in their station wagons and trailers for 45′ Prevos that are like the Taj Mahal on the inside. It’s a different world today.

I was thinking last night about how much driving I had to do myself when I was playing steel guitar for a living. The things I had to do and places I had to drive are all over now. Thank goodness for that.

While talking to Bob Hempker a few days ago, he said he wouldn’t go back on the road for all the money in the world. I wouldn’t either, even if I got to fly everywhere I went. Even staying in town as a musician in Nashville, its rough getting from spot to spot with all the traffic and the lack of parking spots.

I guess I’m just a spoiled guy though, but I like things just being smooth and easy. How about some of you musicians that have gotten older as most of us have? How little do you like to drive nowadays compared to when you were younger?

Let me hear about some subjects you would like to hear about as working musicians in your area. Thank you for everything you do to keep me informed about what you do music wise. Its amazing how easy people think it is, but as most of you know, even in Nashville it can really be a leg breaker.

Remember I am continuing the sale because so many of you only get paid at the end of the month. Ten percent off all GFI guitars and all used guitars, plus free shipping inside the lower 48 states. Ten percent off Peavey Nashville 112 amplifiers, plus a free amp cover and free shipping within the lower 48 states.

Check out our monthly specials at and we’ll try to save you a lot of money.

The friend of all bar holders,
Bobbe Seymour

Listen To Steel Guitar Music Streaming 24 Hours A Day!

Steel Guitar Nashville
123 Mid Town Court
Hendersonville, TN. 37075
(615) 822-5555
Open 9AM – 4PM Monday – Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday

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Conversation with Bob Hempker

Hello fellow players,

It’s been awhile since I’ve highlighted the career of a hard-core, down in the trenches country steel guitar player. So today I’m here with Mr. Bob Hempker. Bob among many other accomplishments, spent 23 years with Loretta Lynn.

(Bobbe Seymour speaking)

So my first question is this. How long have we known each other?

(Bob Hempker’s answer)

It seems like I’ve always known you. It must have been around 1969 or so. That’s when I first moved to Nashville and it had to be around there somewhere. I used to see you at the Opry backstage a lot. You were always a good guy. I’ve always liked you and I guess I always will.

I remember the first time I met you was in Louisville. Loretta was doing a telethon benefit for some coal miners and their families who had been killed in a mine explosion near there. Everybody and his brother in the country music business was there to help out. That’s the kind of people that are in this business, always willing to help out where needed.

The telethon was also being broadcast on the radio and when you came in you came up to me and said that you’d been listening to the radio on the way there and you wanted to know if I was the steel player you’d been listening to.

I told you I was and you said you really liked what you heard. We’ve been friends ever since.

I remember when you opened you steel guitar store over in Goodlettsville next to the Dairy Queen. That turned into my home away from home when I was in off the road. I hung out there all the time. I ended up teaching out there for three or four years.

So you and I go back a long way. You had a line of Seymour brand amplifiers and I had two of them that I used on the road with Loretta for several years. I sold one of them to a guy up in Branson and I gave the other back to you. Those were really good amplifiers.

I remember we worked the first Farm Aid Concert in Carbondale, Illinois. Everybody who was anybody was on that show. I think this was in ’85. Johnny Paycheck was on the show and you were playing steel for him.

Paycheck and his bunch were partying and they didn’t want to go back to Nashville. They were going to spend the night and go back whenever. You wanted to get back to Nashville and asked me if I thought Loretta would mind if you rode back with us.

Mooney was standing close by so I took you over and introduced you to him and asked if he minded if you rode back with us. Mooney just grinned and said, “Well, get your a$$ on the bus.” Bobbe, you were always one to take care of business and I’ve never known you to be a party animal.

(Bobbe Seymour speaking)

Bob, tell us about Loretta.

(Bob Hempker speaking)

There’s not a lot to tell. Pretty much what you see if what you get. I think that’s been the key to her popularity and always has been. Loretta is Loretta. No pretense, nothing fake. Loretta is the real deal.

(Bobbe Seymour speaking)

Bob, it’s been my pleasure knowing you all these years. It’s knowing people like you that has enriched my life in more ways than I can say. Thank you.

Check out our monthly specials at and we’ll try to save you a lot of money.

Your buddy,
Bobbe Seymour

Listen To Steel Guitar Music Streaming 24 Hours A Day!

Steel Guitar Nashville
123 Mid Town Court
Hendersonville, TN. 37075
(615) 822-5555
Open 9AM – 4PM Monday – Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday

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50 Greatest Steel Guitarists

San Francisco steeler/musicologist Joe Goldmark has just posted a page of 50 Greatest Steel Guitarists. It features cool LP covers, some I’ve never seen, and YouTube links to performances by many of the players. Check it out at

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