The reason for the forum shutdown, thoughts about fame

Hi guys and gals,

Forum shutdown. My decision to shut the EZBoard forum down was made because it’s purpose of promoting steel guitar and being a help to steel guitarists in general had degenerated to the point where neither of these goals were being met. The forum was taken over by folks who were hiding behind anonymous names so they could have their fun blasting each other with profanity and whatever. I had several good friends email me and let me know that they would never visit the forum again because they didn’t want to expose their families to the indecency that was on display there. It finally got to the point where the bad outweighted the good. In the future, I may bring back another forum but only if I can control the immature, childish, pseudo-intellectuals who post there, but right now, with 3 new albums, with running the store and playing shows, the forum is not a number one priority. I’ve gotten many emails from readers and fans of the forum, some thanking me for closing it, others telling me how much they missed it and to please bring it back. Even though most of you would like to see the forum come back, I simply don’t have the time to play babysitter to those who should know better.

Fame and it’s power. After seeing so much on television about the Michael Jackson story and having spent 35 years in and out of the company of hundreds of famous people, I have some observations to convey to those of you who may care.

Many people think that if someone is famous, they must be very smart, very rich or have some sort of super human ability. Most of the famous people that I have met do not fall into these catagories. Most people think that if a steel guitar player is extremely famous, he is an extremely good player or if an actor is extremely famous, he must be extremely talented, but this can be far from the truth. People should be judged on their abilites, not by how well known they are. How about the President of the United States? Because he won the election, does this make him super perfect? How about some negative examples … Adolph Hitler, Attila the Hun or Al Capone? Should they be idolized?

If someone is famous it doesn’t mean they are any better or worse than anyone else. I have worked for many famous people that I wouldn’t want to have dinner with and there are many totally unknown folks I would love to have dinner with. Now here’s the big question. How does your personality change in the presence of someone extremely famous? What would you do if the President of the United States would come up to you one day and say let’s go have lunch? Why do girls fall all over themselves and swoon in the presence of dirty rock star drugaddicts? Why do people drop the names of famous people they know? Do they think it makes themselves look bigger through association? You’ve heard the expression, if you’re famous enough you can get away with murder. Remember OJ? The point I’m trying to make here is, make your own decisions on who’s great and who isn’t yourself, not by how many times you see a star on television and how many people are falling all over them. Don’t be a victim of the Pied Piper syndrome. Decide for yourself who you like and who is great and who you want to admire and don’t blindly follow the masses. Don’t tell me how great a steel guitar player Jerry Garcia was. Tell me how much you liked him or what a good entertainer he was, but don’t tell me how great he was. Here’s another shocker for you … Bill Clinton isn’t a great sax player either.

Two years ago I flew to Bowling Green, Kentucky to have a Sunday afternoon dinner. Upon returning to the airport, I walked into the administration building for my return flight home and a nice, gray haired gentlemen was ahead of me paying for his fuel. He started a conversation with me by telling me how nice my Beechcraft appeared to him. He let me know that he was on his way from New York to Los Angeles and stopped in Bowling Green for fuel and to stretch his legs and he also flew Beechcraft. When I looked out the front glass, I noticed his was a multi-million dollar twin jet. We talked for about 15 minutes and he seemed like one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. I asked him what he did for a living and he said he was in the food business and did a lot of work for charities. He departed and while he was walking out to his airplane, I noticed many people in the waiting room standing with their mouths wide open in awe. One came up to me and asked … “Are you two good friends?” and I said “Who?” and they said “You and Paul Newman?” My reply was, “I didn’t realize that was him, but I guess we are now.” The point is, fame has obviously not affected him and he was probably impressed that his fame didn’t affect me because as he taxied by the administration building window in the right seat of his Beechjet, he gave a polite wave, from one pilot to another, not from a superstar to a fan. By the way, I feel that Paul Newman is a superstar to be admired. He has given over 150 million dollars to charity. That’s a real superstar.

People need to be judged by the good they do in life and not by the fame they achieve through luck and promotion by the media. Fame by itself is not a measure of a person or their worth as a human being. Don’t be a fool for fame.

Your buddy,


P.S. Once again, I’ve had so many new people join the mailing list that I’m putting a link to the special discount prices for mailing list members on instructional videos …



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EZBoard Forum Closure & Famous People Observations

Hi guys and gals,

I have decided to shut down my EZBoard Forum.

That decision was made because that forum’s purpose of promoting steel guitar and being a help to steel guitarists in general had degenerated to the point where neither of these goals were being met. The forum was taken over by folks who were hiding behind anonymous names so they could have their fun blasting each other with profanity and whatever. I had several good friends email me and let me know that they would never visit the forum again because they didn’t want to expose their families to the indecency that was on display there. It finally got to the point where the bad out-weighted the good. In the future, I may bring back another forum but only if I can control the immature, childish, pseudo-intellectuals who post there. But right now, with 3 new albums, with running the store and playing shows, the forum is not a number one priority. I’ve gotten many emails from readers and fans of the forum, some thanking me for closing it, others telling me how much they missed it and to please bring it back. Even though most of you would like to see the forum come back, I simply don’t have the time to play babysitter to those who should know better.

Fame and it’s power. After seeing so much on television about the Michael Jackson story and having spent 35 years in and out of the company of hundreds of famous people, I have some observations to convey to those of you who may care.

Many people think that if someone is famous, they must be very smart, very rich or have some sort of super human ability. Most of the famous people that I have met do not fall into those categories. Most people think that if a steel guitar player is extremely famous, he is an extremely good player or if an actor is extremely famous, he must be extremely talented. This can be far from the truth. People should be judged on their abilities, not by how well known they are. How about the President of the United States? Because he won the election, does this make him super-perfect? How about some negative examples … Adolph Hitler, Attila the Hun or Al Capone? Should they be idolized?

If someone is famous, it doesn’t mean they are any better or worse than anyone else. I have worked for many famous people that I wouldn’t want to have dinner with and there are many totally unknown folks I would love to have dinner with.

Now here’s the big question. How does your personality change in the presence of someone extremely famous? What would you do if the President of the United States came up to you one day and said “Let’s go have lunch”? Why do girls fall all over themselves and swoon in the presence of dirty rock star drug addicts? Why do people drop the names of famous people they know? Do they think it makes them look bigger through association? You’ve heard the expression, if you’re famous enough you can get away with murder. Remember OJ? The point I’m trying to make here is, make your own decisions on who’s great and who isn’t, not by how many times you see a star on television and how many people are falling all over them. Don’t be a victim of the Pied Piper syndrome. Decide for yourself who you like and who is great, who you want to admire, and, don’t blindly follow the masses. Don’t tell me how great a steel guitar player Jerry Garcia was. Tell me how much you liked him or what a good entertainer he was, but don’t tell me how great he was. Here’s another shocker for you … Bill Clinton isn’t a great sax player either.

Two years ago I flew to Bowling Green, Kentucky to have a Sunday afternoon dinner. Upon returning to the airport, I walked into the administration building for my return flight home and a nice, gray-haired gentlemen was ahead of me paying for his fuel. He started a conversation with me by telling me how nice my Beechcraft airplane appeared to him. He let me know that he was on his way from New York to Los Angeles and stopped in Bowling Green for fuel and to stretch his legs and he also flew a Beechcraft. When I looked out the front glass, I noticed that his was a multi-million dollar twin jet. We talked for about 15 minutes and he seemed like one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. I asked him what he did for a living and he said he was in the food business and did a lot of work for charities. He departed and while he was walking out to his airplane, I noticed many people in the waiting room standing with their mouths wide open in awe. One came up to me and asked, “Are you two good friends?” and I said “Who?” and they said “You and Paul Newman?” My reply was “I didn’t realize that was Paul Newman, but I guess we are now.” The point is, fame has obviously not affected him and he was probably impressed that his fame didn’t affect me. As he taxied by the administration building window in the right seat of his plane, he gave me a polite wave; not from a superstar to a fan, but, from one pilot to another. By the way, I feel that Paul Newman is a superstar to be admired. He has given over 150 million dollars to charity. That’s a real superstar.

People need to be judged by the good they do in life and not by the fame they achieve through luck and promotion by the media. Fame by itself is not a measure of a person or their worth as a human being. Don’t be a fool for fame.

Until next time, your buddy, Bobbe

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The bond between a man and his steel

Hi guys and gals,

After talking to people like B. B. King and having a many year long relationship with Chet Atkins and many other great players, along with delving into the depths of my own mind, I have realized that there is something truly special in the bond between a fine musician and his instrument. The instrument is supposed to be an inanimate object with no soul of it’s own, just a collections of parts and pieces put together to make noise. However, I think everyone reading this will agree when I say that this collection of parts called a steel guitar takes on a life of it’s own and the soul of the player.

Ask any player how they feel about their guitar. All my life I have worried about my guitar. If it’s in my house, I check on it before I go to bed. If it’s in the trunk of my car, I worry about any extreme temperatures and where my car is parked and how safe it is. My guitar has seen me through me several marriages and unfortunately, several pets that I love very much.

Ok guys, what is it? What is this bond that we have with this technically inanimate object? We get love and respect because of it. We get money because of it. We get a small amount of pain and grief from some who love us because of it. Have you ever really stopped to think what your steel guitar really means to you? The happiness it’s added to your life? The communciation medium that it is between your mind and the minds that hear you play? No wonder we all bond with our guitars. We have special guitars … and no wonder we fight about the guitars we love and argue with other players about what’s best what isn’t. Seldom do we argue about our cars and what’s better. We don’t argue about what the best food is or who’s wife is better than who’s … but just get on that forum one time and mention the word tone and what guitar has it and what guitar doesn’t … and suddenly you’ve got the biggest fight in the world and your favorite dealer may even get suied for a million dollars! Naturally I’m inserting a little humor here but think about what I’m saying! Isn’t every speck of it true. Guys will fight to their death about their steel guitars who don’t even care enough about politics to vote. You know what? I like this. I like seeing people argue passionately about what they love. To me it shows the great bond you have with your inanimate object that you love so much.

Guys, I respect you and I don’t care what brand of instrument you own or what style you play … if you live it, I love it because I understand the bond between a man and his steel.

Your buddy,


P.S. I’ve had so many new people join the mailing list that it’s time I put a link to the special discount prices for mailing list members on instructional videos … point your browser to for the discount prices.

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